
Test Sets

In API development cycles, the changes might need to be done on the APIs that are already in use. In many cases, there might be multiple teams using same set of APIs. For example the front end development team for web and mobile app development teams. There are situations when one team wants some changes to be done in the API which changes the response structure while the other team may not be aware of such change. When the changes are rolled out, the mobile app will start failing since the mobile app code would not be ready to handle the changes.

When there are multiple changes are being made to the APIs, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that the core functionality does not break when he changes are deployed to higher environments. 

To prevent such issues, a set of validations are created and run before the deployments to ensure that there are no breaking changes getting pushed inadvertently.

Test Sets can help to create such regression tests. They are a collection of validations that are performed in one go. They can be configured to run tests in parallel or in specified sequence.

The sequence of tests may be important for some cases and such cases can be configured to run the validations in sequence.

To create Test Sets, click on:

Test Sets

This will take you to the Test Sets management screen. The left menu shows the existing Test Sets and clicking on their names will show the Test Set and the validations that are added as part of it.

The validations can be removed by clicking on “Delete” button in the last column.

You can change the sequence of validations by clicking on a validation and then clicking  on  to bring the validation sequence lower and clicking on  to bring the validation sequence higher.

You can copy the validation to validation screen by clicking on “Copy” button. This is useful if you want to edit the validation or if you want to add validation and start from existing request setup.

Do note that if you want to edit the validation, copy will not remove validation from Test Set and you can do it after you have added the edited validation.

To run validation in sequence, click on the check box “Execute Sequentially”. If it is not checked, the validations will run in parallel.

Like in Test API, Test Set also use active environment to replace values of the variables.

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