- Syvizo API Management Platform
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Manage Users and Accesses
- Design APIs
- Publish API
- Collaborate
- Validate APIs
- Manage API Flows
- Flow Management
- API Flow Manager
- Policies
- Traffic Management
- Security
- Transformation
- Extension
- Insights
App Information
When to use
Use this policy when you want to get the information of an application
API applications are created by API developers using the Developer Portal in Syvizo API Platform. An application contain a set of products that developer has subscribed. When you want to apply a logic for request processing that needs information about an application, you can use “App Information” policy.
Based on the input parameters, the application information is returned
The configuration fields for the policy are:
[* Indicates a mandatory field]
Name *: Display name of the policy
Description: Description of policy
Enabled: Flag to indicate if the policy is enabled. If this field is not checked, the policy will be ignored at runtime and any fields from its output will contain a default initial value
Continue on Error: Flag to indicate that the flow should continue even if this policy throws an error
Input fields
appId: appid is usually sent in the request to identify which app the request has come from
appName: Name of the app from which request has come
consumerKey: The key sent by consumer in request
Output fields
name: Name of the application
status: Status of the application
products: A collection of products that are part of the application
products/name: Name of the product
products/status: Status of the product
appId: appId of the application
creationTime: Date and time of app creation
createdBy: email id of the creator of the app
lastModifyTime: Last modification date and time of the app
lastModifyBy: Email id of the last modifier of the app