
Access Manager

Access Manager is the central component that manages the authentication and authorisation of users for their accesses on the platform. All changes made on Access Managers are logged and can be traced.

An administrator is the user that can manage the entire platform accesses for various components of the platform, users and their accesses.

The accesses on the platform are broadly of two types:

  • Component Level Access: This defines the access of the users on the components of the platform. The users with access to any of the component allow the users to create and manage assets within those components. For example, if a user has access to API Design Studio, he/she can create API Design project and manage the project. However the user has access only to the asset such as API Design project that is either created by them or access is given to them by the user who has created the project. Components level access are for components of the platform:
  • Access Manager
  • API Design Studio
  • API Validator
  • API Manager
  • Portal Manager
  • API Products
  • API Insights
  • Developer Studio

  • Asset Level Access: This defines the access of the users on the assets on the platform. Assets here means the projects within components such as API Design projects, API Validator projects, API Flow Manager projects and so on.

To be able to create or access assets, the user must have access permission to the relevant component. For example, if a user is given access to an asset such as API Design project, but he/she does not have access to the API Design Studio, the asset cannot be accessed.

The asset accesses are given explicitly by either the organization administrator or the owner of the asset, also referred to as ‘asset administrator’.

Assets have 3 levels of access permissions: Read, Modify and Administrator

Read permission allows users to view assets and they cannot change the asset. The modify permission allows users to view and change assets. Administrator permission allows users to view and modify asset as well as give permissions on the asset to other users. Asset administrator is the designated owner of the asset from permissions point of view. An asset can have multiple administrators (owners) if the original creator has given such permission explicitly.

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