
Basic Auth

When to use

Use this policy when you want the user authentication information to be sent to backend API encoding it


This policy takes in the values of user name and password from request as part of input mappings and encodes them to base64 format. The resulting value is returned in the output field of the policy. This value is typically sent in Authorization HTTP header to the backend API


The configuration fields for the policy are:

[* Indicates a mandatory field]

Name *: Display name of the policy

Description: Description of policy

Enabled: Flag to indicate if the policy is enabled. If this field is not checked, the policy will be ignored at runtime and any fields from its output will contain a default initial value

Continue on Error: Flag to indicate that the flow should continue even if this policy throws an error

Input fields

username: User name

password: Password

Output fields

encodedString: base64 encoded string created from username and password input fields