
Develop your API

The API can be developed in any of the tool you use currently or it can be developed using Open Source frameworks and tools.

The Open Source frameworks are available for many languages. The ones that are most commonly used are Java, Python, NodeJS.

Java: The frameworks that are used for Java most commonly used are Spring and Apache Camel. They provide excellent framework, libraries and tools to develop APIs

Python: The frameworks that are most commonly used are Django REST Framework and Flask

NodeJS: The most commonly used library for API development in NodeJS is Express.

Syvizo API Management Platform gives your API development team a head start for development by generating the initial API server code using Java Spring boot framework automatically. 

While development of APIs, there are a set of tasks that are required to be done before starting to implement business logic.

The generated code generated is compatible to the designed APIs, and contain the java method code blocks for API methods, components and the component validations as specified in the API design.

You can log in to the platform and open ‘API Developer Studio’: 

You will see a list of projects with their status which is one of: initial, development, complete. The status shows which stage the API Development projects are. 

  • Initial means the project is designed and ready to be picked for development
  • Development means the project is picked for development by a developer
  • Complete means the development is completed for the project

You can click on the download button to download the project with generated code and use it for development.

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